OSMON is an ICE application that supports the continuous monitoring of the current integrity of a z/OS LPAR. It does this at scheduled Intervals - Daily, Weekly or Monthly. As seen from the 3270 screen shown above, OSMON is easily programmed to monitor as few as one, or up tosixteen, 'Key Points of z/OS Integrity' and, in turn, send its findings to defined recipients.
When the techniques used by OSMON are applied within the System z Environment, they reinforce the Configuration Control Boundaries maintained by the Policy Rules defined to, and enforced by, the External Security Manager (ESM). Used in this way, OSMON establishes and enforces ‘Fine-Grained, Micro-Perimeter’ controls around critical System z Configuration Resources – IPLParm, ParmLib, ProcLib, Operator Commands, and others, as shown in the panel above. The result of continuous monitoring extends the System z Configuration Security-Control Continuum.
Here's an example of what OSMON can do for you. We all know that making a data set APF-authorized is not sufficient to bestow APF-authorization upon the modules/programs it contains. But it does open the door to a loss ofsystem integrity if the required additional authorization is not closely controlled by the originating author, when marking the module's Authorization Code (AC). Modules/Programs with AC=1 are fully authorized and should be checked carefully, before adding them to an APF Authorized Dataset,and monitored carefully, thereafter.
OSMON is the ideal system utility for monitoring and reporting on changes to all aspects of the APF Dataset Configuration: Datasets added/deleted, Modules added/deleted, changes in Module attributes: alias references, size, location, mode of operation,and importantly, the level of AC. Some call it File Integrity Management (FIM)s; we call it common sense best practices.